Byron: September 2009 Archives

I met a Schnauzer today...

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After months of perusing the "Dogs Available for Adoption" page on PAWS website, I actually went to PAWS today. Would you believe it? The dogs on the site are the very same dogs in the kennel!

Even though I knew what would actually happen when I got there, I promised myself I would absolutely not bring home a dog today. I am proud to announce that I kept that promise to myself, although I think I will be there early on Saturday morning again, sans promise.

Backing up, I haven't really updated this page on my dog hunt in recent weeks, so here's the scoop.

When I first decided, in May, to get a pooch, I started with the assumption that I wouldn't get a dog while still living in my condo. Well, as I worked my way through learning about dogs, and how to have one in the city, plus talking to a few people in my building with dogs, I've decided that assumption was a poor one. Lots of people have dogs in condos, it's just that those dogs are generally smaller than the dogs I wanted.

Another major change was that I originally thought I would get a puppy. Puppies are good because you can train and socialize them when they are most impressionable... but puppies are way high maintenance, and you don't necessarily know what kind of temperament you're going to get.

Well, life is made of compromises, and I met a Schnauzer today. (For the record, PAWS has temporarily named her Farrah, and has her listed as a Mini Schnauzer Chihuahua mix. She's 25 months old, and was temperament tested to be an Orange (medium activity) Wallflower.) She's pretty small, but has a good personality. I'm going back on Saturday morning, and if she's still there, I'm going to adopt her... I think.


I'm taking the next two days to think about it, and to prepare things around my condo... but in the meantime, I need a good name for a small black dog. The comments are open.

I agree with Nancy Pelosi

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In this instance.


Let's be civil folks.

A tale of two governors...

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I am deeply frustrated with the governance of our country. Both the Federal government, and many of the state governments are run poorly. Politicians have learned how to game the system to accrue personal power, wealth, and prestige, and the citizens have failed in their duty to be vigilant and vote out the clowns who are constantly defrauding tax payers. However, not every elected official (they're all governors in the lower-case sense) is doing a poor job.

From the WSJ, an example of a Governor with an understanding of the role of government, and the gift of visionary leadership. Also, another article about a Congressman who maybe doesn't quite measure up to My Man Mitch.

• Mitch Daniels - The Coming Reset in State Government
• John Murtha - 1st ballot inductee to the Pork Barrel Hall of Fame

Mitch Daniels, another testament to Hoosier sensibility.

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This page is an archive of recent entries written by Byron in September 2009.

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