Byron: January 2008 Archives

I did what?

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I finally gave in to temptation and... adopted two cats this weekend. Pics below. Also, as for names, I'm still working on it. Current front runners are Cleo (Cleocatra) and Marc (Marc Antomy). I'm not sure, suggestions welcome.

Here's two shots of both kittens together. (Click for large format photos.)

Cleocatra (the girl cat wearing the purple collar) is a little less shy, and managed to preen for the camera.

The Glamour shot

The color in this shot is really good. These kitties are beautiful.

And finally, she likes to blog.

Watch Out World! Here I Come

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I applied for a passport today! I want to go visit Wyatt in Sao Paulo in March... after that, Mexico in November... and then? Europe in 2009! That's my plan.

What else is going on?

My new small group launched two weeks ago. It's cool. I applied to the AICPA today. I signed up for a class called, "Perspectives, The World Christian Movement" that's being taught at Moody Church on Thursdays this semester. I went to the second class (my first) last night and it's pretty cool.

I finished a book about Chess this weekend. My plan is to be a grand master in two weeks. So far so good.

Dear Senator McCain

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An idea came to me this morning and I wrote Senator McCain an email on my lunchbreak. Preserved here for posterity, feel free to comment.

Mr. McCain, I will preface this question by saying that I support your bid for the Republican nomination. One of the things that most attracts me to your candidacy is your sensible position on illegal immigration. It is good to hear a well considered position, rather than reactionary pandering to an opinion poll.

On the stump, I have heard you say several times that you would not call a soldier serving in Iraq and tell them that you were deporting their mother. Does this mean the inverse of this statement is true. If the child of an illegal immigrant were to serve a tour of duty in the military, would you extend an opening for their family to stay in the United States?

I had a conversation with some of my co-workers (disclosure, none of us have served in the military), and we all agreed that military service would be an excellent way for immigration candidates to prove themselves on the way to citizenship. With flagging military enrollment, is this a fair way to boost enlistment? Also, in your opinion is this a fair socio-economic policy as it would continue to encourage military service among minorities, while ignoring the fact that many privileged Americans do not wish to serve?

Also, If you do not wish to create a de-facto deportation protection program, please explain how that position and your stump speech line are consistent.

Respectfully and thankfully,
Byron Clarke
Chicago, Illinois


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I don't do resolutions. As a rule, I figure that if you don't resolve to do something, there's no disappointment when you fail to follow through. But this year I'm going to try out a few. I've learned that I'm pretty good at setting goals and then achieving them... and I've also learned that life devolves into an endless run of Law & Order re-runs if I don't 'program' my time a bit. Thus, a listing of my 2008 New Years resolutions:

Complete a Bible in a Year program. I'd guess I've read 90% of my Bible at points, but I can't say I've read it all... and I always struggle with making it a habit. This year, I want to set the habit.

Lose 22 pounds. I lost 41 last year... and I'd like to lose another 22 by my Birthday.

Write 80,000 words for Harry Potter and the Remnants of the Soul. This would essentially be a doubling of my current work. If I can tie the thing up in fewer words, I'd prefer that... but I want to make some serious headway on the adventures of Harry.

Take the GMAT and/or the LSAT. These two exams (perhaps only the GMAT) are on my career path for the year. Probably not a true resolution... but I'm throwing in a few easier to accomplish tasks.

Get a passport. I'm embarrassed that I don't have a passport. I'd like to get one and take at least two international trips (one to Mexico in November, and perhaps Sao Paulo in February.)

Add a medicine cabinet to my bathroom. This way, I can hide my toothpaste from interlopers.

Be punctual. Yes, it's a very generalized goal, but I am less than punctual often and this is a negative quality. I resolve to be more punctual. There.

Drink less soda. I drink too much soda. I want to drink one can less per day.

They say if you write your goals down, then they're easier to accomplish. Here's hoping 'they're' right.

About this Archive

This page is an archive of recent entries written by Byron in January 2008.

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Byron: February 2008 is the next archive.

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