New Moms gets press

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My friend Joe introduced me to the Chicago non-profit he works at called New Moms, Inc. They help new mothers (often abused, neglected, homeless, poor, uneducated, etc.) to get their lives back on track. I've volunteered with them a few times and support them financially from time-to-time. I really love their ministry, so I was excited to see the Chicago Tribune do an article on them today.

Tribune Article
New Moms, Inc.

New Moms Inc. offers helping hand to pregnant teens
Christian-based organization is moving to Chicago's Austin neighborhood

By Chelsea Schneider
Special to the Tribune
August 7, 2009

D'Andrea Archer, 20, made a desperate call to a domestic violence hot line and ended up at New Moms Inc., where she is learning how to parent her toddler daughter, Innocence, and launch herself into a new life.

The non-profit Christian-based organization in Chicago's Humboldt Park neighborhood supports at-risk teen mothers as young as 13 and their children through outreach services such as support groups and home visits, and offers housing.

Young mothers tell New Moms President Audalee McLoughlin, "I don't know what a different life looks like, but that's what I want for me and my baby."

Now New Moms is facing economic challenges, as are many social service organizations. On top of that, the agency lost the building it used to house families to a fire last year.

The 20 moms and 30 children were relocated to a facility in the Austin neighborhood, and New Moms plans to move all its services to that area and will break ground on a new building in the spring. When finished, the facility will house up to 48 moms, and the program's outreach services will be under the same roof.

New Moms gets most of its funds from the Illinois Department of Human Services, with individuals and churches also kicking in donations. The state will continue to fully fund the housing program, but with cuts forced by the state budget deficit, the non-residential services could be cut by up to 75 percent.

New Moms has appealed to donors to raise the $60,000 needed to continue the outreach services through the end of the year. Three staff members have agreed to stay on despite the uncertainty until the money runs out, enabling 50 families to still be helped, McLoughlin said.

New Moms fills a vital niche for teenage mothers, said Mary O'Brien, grant coordinator for homeless youth programs with the Department of Human Services.

"Many of them have been evicted from home because they're pregnant. Unfortunately a lot of parents are of the opinion that if they tell the girl she can't stay with them she'll give the child away," O'Brien said.

That's what happened to Archer. When she became pregnant with her daughter, family members turned their backs. She left school and tolerated an abusive relationship because she didn't know where else to go. Then she made that hot line call.

Archer broke down during her New Moms interview because she felt like she couldn't provide for her child.

"It was so confusing," Archer said. "I didn't know anything. ...When I came here, me and God was having an issue."

New Moms changed her situation, Archer said. She moved into the cooperative living program, which shelters young mothers between 18 and 21 for two years, and is taking classes in parenting and life skills. She now has a résumé and is working toward her GED.

Children also receive developmental screening, and moms learn how to interact with their children and give positive reinforcement.

"I became a much better person," said Clyaisha Ruffin, mother of Clytaijah, 4. "I had issues with attitude, and I learned how to look at people in a different way."

New Moms is grounded in faith. The girls lead prayers before dinner, but while faith is encouraged, it's not forced on participants, McLoughlin said.

Many girls have been looked down on in church because of something they've done, so McLoughlin waits for them to ask questions to have teachable moments about God's grace.

"They ask, 'Why do you care? My family didn't care, so why do you care?' " McLoughlin said. She said she responds, "You know I haven't always done things right either, and God has loved me even though I wasn't very lovable.

"We believe moms can leave with all the skills, but if their hearts haven't been changed, then their lives won't be that much different."

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