Whirlwind = Weekend.
I like to take things easy. Generally two social engagements in one weekend is plenty enough for me... but even by an outgoing person's measure, I've been busy.
On Friday, I had plans to go see a school play (Chicago Hope academy) with my Friend Joe, but something came up and he couldn't make it, so I did Pizza with Adam and his brother Bill. On Saturday, Adam, Jarrett, and I caught a matinee showing of "I Love you Man." It was funny throughout, but incredibly stupid and more than occasionally crass. I'd give it three of five stars. Then after the flick, I hung out with Adam all day as we prepped for his Final Four party on Saturday night.
The Final Four Party involved a bunch of Adam's friends from LaSalle St. Church... and me. Since I hang out with Adam a lot, I'm starting to get to know them, but at the end of the night, I was ready to head home.
On Sunday, the Fire opened Toyota Park for the year with a 1-0 win over the NY Red Bulls. The weather was inclement, and I was cold. However, my new hat, which I refer to as the 'dead rabbit' was a God-send.

After the game, I had just enough time to buy groceries before it was off to Keystone for dinner. Then, when I got home, I had to clean as my cousin Tiffany is visiting tomorrow, and the place needed a little help. (In my defense, after only 75 minutes of cleaning, the place looks really good, so it wasn't all that bad to start with.)
Alright, time for bed. It's Cubs' opening day tomorrow!
Listening to: Fernando Ortega
Mood: Weary but smiling
Link dujour Fire 1, Red Bulls 0