It's been a great weekend. I ducked out of work 10 minutes early on Friday because I felt like it. I had dinner with Ma & Pa at Maggiano's, went home, watched a few shows, read a book (Atlas Shrugged), and got a good night's rest.
On Saturday, I spent a lazy afternoon reading and doing laundry. I got every dirty piece of clothing, towels, sheets, even my scarf clean in the process... and then Purdue was playing Washington in the NCAA tournament. Purdue won, then I left for the Globe and watched the Fire win their season opener 3-1.
Today was church, some more reading, and a little work on HPRotS with the NCAA tourney on in the background. Tonight, Team USA takes on Japan in the semifinals of the WBC. Hopefully they'll win, and that will sort of make up for House dinner being canceled this week.
Yes, it's been a quiet weekend, but I'm enjoying myself, the bright sun, and the fairly warm weather. I can't wait until it's summer again!
In other news, I wanted to point out this fairly sensible op-ed piece written by South Carolina's governor, Mark Sanford.
On Saturday, I spent a lazy afternoon reading and doing laundry. I got every dirty piece of clothing, towels, sheets, even my scarf clean in the process... and then Purdue was playing Washington in the NCAA tournament. Purdue won, then I left for the Globe and watched the Fire win their season opener 3-1.
Today was church, some more reading, and a little work on HPRotS with the NCAA tourney on in the background. Tonight, Team USA takes on Japan in the semifinals of the WBC. Hopefully they'll win, and that will sort of make up for House dinner being canceled this week.
Yes, it's been a quiet weekend, but I'm enjoying myself, the bright sun, and the fairly warm weather. I can't wait until it's summer again!
In other news, I wanted to point out this fairly sensible op-ed piece written by South Carolina's governor, Mark Sanford.